Contact our project leads for more information about these highlighted projects and the other work we do within this node.
Functional sensitivity for marine microorganisms
We are developing a molecular platform for deriving quantitative stress thresholds for microbial communities inhabiting key reef habitats in environmental assessments.
Project leads: Nicole Webster, Inka Vanwonterghem
Genomic diversity of marine microalgae
We use comparative genomic approaches to understand genetic diversity of microalgae in diverse marine ecosystems, ranging from the tropics to polar sea ice.
Project lead: Cheong Xin Chan
Great Barrier Reef microbial observatories
We are constructing a microbial genomics database to provide a framework to determine ecosystem consequences of changes in microbial communities following environmental perturbation.
Project leads: Nicole Webster, Steven Robbins
Microbial cues for coral settlement and survival
We are identifying microbial species and pathways that induce coral settlement, and elucidating how microbial colonisation of bare surfaces influences post settlement survival of coral recruits.
Project lead: Nicole Webster
Sponges as models in animal-microbe symbioses
We are leading an international consortium to develop common suite of approaches and tools for multiple sponge species to understand the evolution and function of animal symbioses.
Project leads: Sandie Degnan, Sheen Wong
Marine hologenomics
We are studying how animal immune and metabolic systems interact and co-evolve with their symbiotic microbess to create a single super-organism – the holobiont.
Project leads: Sandie Degnan, Sheen Wong and Bernard Degnan