Contact our project leads for more information about these highlighted projects and the other work we do within this node.
Averting the extinction of experience
We are measuring how human health benefits from urban biodiversity, and whether biodiversity itself, or simply access to green spaces delivers these benefits.
Project lead: Richard Fuller
National wastewater drug monitoring program
We assess drug metabolites in wastewater to estimate of per capita drug consumption which is used to assess the effectiveness of intervention strategies.
Project leads: Jochen Mueller, Ben Tscharke, Jake O’Brien, Kevin Thomas
Exposure mapping – impact of wastewater on humans
Using advanced biomonitoring analyses we are creating a national map of disease risk based on unwanted chemicals in human wastewater and providing public health solutions.
Project leads: Jochen Mueller, Kevin Thomas
Marine monitoring program 2018–2020
We evaluate seasonal and spatial pesticide concentrations on the Great Barrier Reef, assessing sources and transport of pollutants in coastal areas, particularly from agriculture.
Project leads: Jochen Mueller with Sharon Grant, Sarit Kaserzon and Phong Thai
Seafood safety: Advanced diagnostics for ciguatoxin risk
We are identifying the risk of ciguatoxins at Australian ‘hot spot’ fishery sites, using advanced field detection methods that informs the seafood industry and consumer policy.
Project lead: Richard Lewis
Watershed interventions for systems health
We integrate solutions to detect, respond and prevent water-related disease, and mitigate impacts on ecosystems on which people rely for nutrition, livelihoods and cultural services.
Project lead: Carissa Klein