Contact our project leads for more information about these highlighted projects and the other work we do within this node.
Maximising coastal ecosystems resilience
We are using data and models to better measure resilience, and manage for resilient coastal and marine ecosystems.
Project leads: Peter Mumby, Catherine Lovelock, Kate O’Brien
Early warning signals
Using the wealth of spatial data available on system state, connectivity and environmental stress, we are creating tools to infer the risk of ecosystem collapse.
Project lead: Peter Mumby
Integrated land–sea planning for coastal ecosystems and people
We produce quantitative models that predict how various land uses impact seagrass, mangrove, and coral reef ecosystems and the health and well-being of people.
Project leads: Carissa Klein, Amelia Wenger
4D conservation planning for the open ocean and deep sea
We examine how approaches to conservation planning in coastal areas can be applied to environments and sectors operating over great depths and in areas beyond national jurisdiction
Project leads: Anthony Richardson, Daniel Dunn
Human impacts on marine species
We are assessing the vulnerability of marine species to a broad range of human activities and will produce a global map of cumulative human impact to marine biodiversity.
Project lead: Carissa Klein
Designing 3D, climate-smart marine protected area networks
How do we best design reserves that are climate-smart in the 3D open-ocean environment?
Project leads: Anthony Richardson, Daniel Dunn
Marine ecosystem models to investigate climate change
This work will expand the development of a global marine ecosystem model to investigate the impact of climate change on the global fisheries and carbon sequestration.
Project lead: Anthony Richardson
Impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity
This project will used advanced statistical models to understand the impact of climate change across marine trophic levels.
Project leads: Anthony Richardson, David Schoeman